At Grand Strand Medical Center, we are committed to providing you with the best available healthcare along with convenient and reliable billing services.
It is important to remember that your hospital bill covers services provided by the hospital, such as room, nursing care, meals, housekeeping and linen. It may also include services ordered by your physician. The bill does not include charges for your personal physician. You will receive separate bills from these physicians.
Inquiries regarding a bill should be directed to our Customer Service Department at (866) 492-9084. This is a toll-free number.
Correspondence regarding your bill should be mailed to:
Customer Service
Grand Strand Medical Center
P. O. Box 923508
Norcross, GA 30010-3508
We hope our Customer Service Department will be able to resolve any questions that you may have. Grand Strand Medical Center looks forward to serving you and your family in the future.
Please Note: As you are aware, general Internet e-mail is inherently not secure. We are currently in the process of enhancing this e-mail service and recommend that items considered confidential or private in nature not be communicated through e-mail at this time (i.e., Social Security numbers, Diagnosis information, Credit Card numbers, etc.). When conveying confidential or private information, please contact the Business Office directly at the phone number listed on your statement.
**All payment and account information obtained in other areas of our web site is encrypted or encoded securing the information so it can only be read by the intended recipients.**